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Saturday, October 18, 2008, 1:17 AM

justin birthday!! =)

hahahah just had dinner at Ministry of Food at Bugis Junction to celebrate Justin birthday!! lol.. long time no see them liao but still the same!! lol.. okok just look at the pictures LOL


look at the opp table LOL SAME REACTION!! =o

thats liying beside me!! lol justin and francis infront!! lol

justin and meixin.. what a hug lol =D

v^.^ lol

kiev and jess!! =D

meixin with the guitar!! =D

now Justin with the guitar lol

noodles!! LOL

is the food bad? LOL kidding!!

We are the man!! lol

billabong..MODEL!! lol

damn!! hahah francis throw a newspaper make us off balance LOL!!!

HAHAhA.. nice pics huh lol... anyway niTeZ guys!! lol

JuSt A BoY

Sunday, October 12, 2008, 12:56 AM

jeram besu

hHAHAH guess what i been BACK FROM camp!! lol.. i been noticing quite a number of ppl is viewing my blog but ALL NV TAG lol... anyway yeah just back from jeram besu CRP.. and an ASS CRAMP bus ride for more then 10hrs!!

but before that!! i was at henry hse dotaing.. new hero roX!! haha after that went 163 for breakfast lol at 5am.. meet aloy.. his injury looks ok liao lol.. played chinese chess.. hahaha then was almost late!! so rush home .. around like 5.20am then grab all the leftovers then meet kelvin ...

and left from sch to jeram besu.. then the start of the ass cramp bus ride.. all the way 10 hrs.. lucky is not non stop but alight for breakfast again and lunch.. did not eat much!! laksa sux on the first stop and teh tarik 2.50rm KAO i got so sway anot lol.. then a nice slp to jeram besu.. first thing wake up must walk down slope and up slope.. sianZ... then we go into our rooms and settle our area lol.. fast and sweet.. my fav 2nd level of a double decker bed lol.. had dinner there.. then the night walk!! crap waiting for all the pictures lol.. nvm lets do it in text lol..

got no shoes so i wore shorts and slippers LOL.. super open to all..insects lol.. then the place is full with ants.. -.-!! lucky i wore slipper so easy come easy go LOL.. but always having the ants feeling.. so wat i do.. i teach my friends just chant.. "no ants no ants no ants.." LOL.. it is a mental thing!! LOL.. somehow for me it works but not for qiang LOL... saw 2 fire fly LOL.. whao and some glow in the dark mushroom lol.. actually i onli see it was green LOL... after that.. is really a 1hr walk.. to me is like a 2.4 jog.. LOL.. i guess i am really getting old liao lol..

GOOD SLP!! hahah usually is good for me.. so is time for all the activities LOL first we went to a SMALL CAVE.. thats what they say.. lol.. and it looks from the entrance really small but -.-!!! 1 hr AGAIN!! haha we saw some bats frogs.. climb up a slope and almost fall i guess LOL..then crawl through a hole lol quite insteresting for a first time.. and we RIDE THE BACK OF THE TRuck 2 TIMES WOOO lol.. is like a 4 wheel drive but was 14 ppl squeezing behind lol.. if 1 fall all DIE!! LOL... seriously no kidding.. a few times almost going to fall off the truck.. =X

then next destination 4 wheel drive to the water fall WOOOO this is VERY INSTEResting first time for me.. and the ride is bumpy LOl.. too many stuff to describe so just say it was the one of the fun stuff to do!! lol.. although it was painful for some LOL.. kangwen and qiang SONG BO!! lol.. then reach the waterfall.. lol.. shi hui got 2 leech attached to her LOL.. even the fire was burning her.. she still say tickerlish LOL.. okok back to the water fall.. it was WhAO BIG and nice lol.. and also speacially COLD!! lol.. freezing i mean.. is like cold water.. no kidding.. lucky just got half my body in LOL..

4 wheel drive back.. was better.. saw a croc and we played.. splashing water LOL.. the car behind splash us.. purposely so we pay them back during paint ball =X opps hahah cont on that later LOL it was faster but did not actually dry out clothes.. so then back to the resort.. lol

PAINT BALL TIME!! lol.. kang wen ling yi qiang han yang ray mrs loy and ME!! was in team B.. lol.. first game A vs B... so ready GOGOGO!!!... i fired 5shots++ then i looked around... saw kang wen.. running back with the flag and hopping on the way lol.. we ended the game in less then 1min LOL.. i shot 3 person MVP!! YEAH!!
2nd round was haiZz... MY GUN CANNOT SHOOT!!! hahah so i rasie my hand to tell the ref.. then I GOT SHOT IN MY HAND!! WTH!! lol.. i was not even outside of the barrier.. then nvm.. i died.. then when i walked to the death zone.. i got shot on the head!!! WTH!! hahaha NO PROTECTION really IS HEADSHOT!! -.-!!!

nvm not very serious.. but nvm that group is also t06 de so nvm lol.. btw the murder is samuel!! lol... but in the end they won to finals.. but some of them dun feel like playin already lol. then is i change place with shi hui lol.. so is myturn to be a sniper which i wanted to be LOL.. and YEAH chao camper is ME!! lol.. last the whole game lol.. killed one onli but yeah we won.. WOOOooo ray was the ninja.. sam was the turret... ty was the movie star.. chua.. =X HAHAHA..zy i not sure what is he.. i guess he bunny hop around lol =X stef though she died.. LOL.. but she nv die hahah..

wOOoo end of the game back and bathe.. DINNER AND SLP!! haha not that fast lar.. lol was out talking alot and went to mrs lor room to chat.. haha but damn tired le.. out for cup noodles lol.. then back to the room.. chua was telling ghost stories lol.. lingyi was freaking out ray too.. haha followed by zy LOL.. dun say le.. very ps for him LOL.. but i was too tired to even think.. but i was playin my psp lol.. hmm then next day SHOPPING!! haha but onli 2hrs where got enough!!.. manage to buy a shoe nia.. lol had to rush a mac meal!! up the bus then rush again to another place the last place to shop haha.. for FOOD!! hahah..

got nth much but hahah i got ur present aloy LOL.. lucky nth happen if not i will claim from you LOL.. just kidding lol.. then the torturing bus ride then back to ngee ann.. lol and another tiring walk up to alumi.. -.-!! up the hill with a heavy bag .... treat from mrs loy.. thanks.. lol.. after home sweet home HAHAHA.. and tml start of sch liao LOL.. SIANZ!!

hahah so NITEZ niteZ all lol.. =D..

JuSt A BoY


About Me

Name: Shaun Soo Qikai
Age : 19 <-- happy liao mar.!! hahah
Sch : Ngee Ann Poly



SCGL 2007
RuiJing Mei
Clara Jie
Qin Yu
Xiao Ke Ai
Chia Ling
Mei Ling
Shi Ying
Xiu Guan
Lin Na
Bee Suan
Chang Hui
Yvonne SW
Siok Hoon
Kai Feng
Chan Myat
Pei Jie

Shaun's Friendster


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  • .. March 2010

  • Credits

    Designer: Wishix
    Software: Adobe Photoshop
    Thanks : Wishix